Bradley Gates
City of Ontario Economic Development Agency
The City of Ontario values working with TeamCalifornia and the opportunity it provides to partner with other organizations in promoting California as a great place to live and do business.

Jennifer Landress
We have worked with TeamCalifornia for years promoting the life science industry throughout California and in particular at the BIO International Convention and the creation of the California Pavilion. They have been a fantastic partner to us at Biocom and we look forward to continuing our working relationship with them.

Larry Vaupel
City of Redding - Shasta County
Being a member of TeamCalifornia provides us with the opportunities to attend industry events and meetings with Corporate Site Selectors that we could not facilitate on our own. TeamCalifornia puts us in front of decision makers who can bring jobs and investment to our community and affect our economic future in a positive way. TeamCalifornia is one of the few voices telling the positive side of doing business in California. While other governors are attempting to poach our businesses, TeamCalifornia is providing the facts about how profitable and innovative our companies are. California is the best State for business and TeamCalifornia is cutting through the hype to let this fact be known.

Holly Schroeder
Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation
All too often California gets a bad wrap from site selectors, who can take us out of the running for a company even when it might be a strategic business move. TeamCA helps us tell the rest of the story about the opportunities in California.”
Richard Vaughn
San Bernardino County EDA
TeamCalifornia has been a valuable resource for San Bernardino County. Our business attraction program is a key component to fulfilling our Countywide Vision and creating a vibrant and sustainable economy. San Bernardino County leverages TeamCalifornia's resources for greater marketing exposure, both locally and globally.”
Steven J. Lantsberger
San Joaquin County Economic Development Association
TeamCalifornia provides a unique opportunity to extend your marketing dollars and reach audiences you would otherwise not be able to access due to funding constraints. Rather than spending years trying to cultivate relationships, an investment in TeamCalifornia, gives you immediate access to their expansive network of site location professionals and developers. TeamCalifornia has provided the best return on my marketing investment throughout my thirty-year economic development career.

Audrey Taylor
Chabin Concepts
TeamCalifornia is an entity of dedicated economic development professionals that have a shared purpose in collaborating to promote the benefits and value of a California location to key business sectors. California has unique story that often doesn't make the news like a company expanding in another state. California is the nation's innovation hot-bed, the sixth largest economy in the world and two metros areas have GDPs higher than all but four states in the US. Our role is to share that message!

Barry Broome
Greater Sacramento Area Economic Council
Our partnership with TeamCalifornia brought us to host their Meet the Consultants Forum and one presentation in that MTC 2016 totally changed our marketing pitch and direction. The study released and information shared at that Forum with site consultants was excellent.
Cecil Kearse
CEO of Arden in Victorville
“Arden needed to move its manufacturing hub into a cost-effective, state-of-the-art space and this facility fit all of our parameters. Assistance from the City of Victorville and the county make the region extremely conducive to businesses of our type.”
Larry LeSueur
Cofounder and CEO of WISErg in Colton
“The majority of what we produce is a liquid fertilizer for use in organic crop production. We are based in the Pacific Northwest, but California is the No. 1 market opportunity for us. The Inland Empire puts us right in the heart of that opportunity. By doing something better for society, we are aligned with the ethos at a cultural level in California. It is part of the DNA of the people we have met here —the growers and the people we have hired for our team. This is the way they think.”
Jason Kulpa
CEO of Underground Elephant in San Diego
“The state of California is committed to sustaining economic policies conducive to innovation and growth.”
Diego Miralles, M.D.
Head of Janssen Healthcare Innovation’s lab complex in San Diego
“As an entrepreneurial environment, in terms of talent, attitude and lack of hierarchies, this environment is second to none in the world.”
David Wilson
President and General Manager of Toyota Racing Development USA in Costa Mesa
“Our biggest investment and most important asset is the people. It sounds cliché, but it really is true. If we decided to move out of California, there would be a cost associated with it well beyond the capital investment. So that’s a real, tangible consideration, and a real value for doing business here in California.”
Donn Tice
Chairman and CEO of d.light Design in San Francisco
“We are located in San Francisco because it grew from a Stanford Business School startup. This area is a hotbed of social enterprises and technology innovation which makes it very attractive, along with the quality of talent that is here.”
Henry Savedra, Jr.
Founder and CEO of Tekton Hospitality in Rancho Cucamonga
“I have learned that running a factory is more than just hiring people and processing production. There are also important cultural logistics that must be leveraged. I am selling to American clients, which means that I have an entire range of expectations to satisfy that vary from structural integrity, to visual notes, to quality assurance standards. When I produced in Mexico and Asia, I noticed a void in my workforce’s ability to naturally manufacture within the parameters of these factors. Often, the American goods they were manufacturing were extremely foreign to them since they had never seen, touched or understood the purpose of such products. And often, their association with such a product ended once it was shipped. That doesn’t happen in California.”

Mather Kearney, Economic Development & Partnerships
"Team California has been instrumental in the growth of the Sacramento region. Through Team California I have established numerous relationships with site selection consultants and corporate executives. I’ve been associated with Team California for almost a decade and cannot list all of the benefits it has brought."