Frequently Asked Questions

1I’m working a manufacturing project. How can TeamCalifornia help me understand the strongest hot market areas in CA for our product expansion?
The most active manufacturing sections for California include aircraft aerospace defense, food and beverage, automotive, consumer products, biotech – medical device and pharmaceuticals. TeamCalifornia works within these industry sectors and with the prediction of projects for manufacturing due to increase through 2020 in the USA and California being the 6th Largest Economy in the World we have planned to accommodate this growth. Please send your RFP directly to TeamCalifornia to engage the state, regional and local economic development organizations. TeamCalifornia can gather confidential information for you from our partners to better evaluate locations.

“California is a great place to do business because the wide diversity of companies provides opportunities for all. Our prime location in the Santa Clarita Valley positions us to work with large and small businesses in industries ranging from aerospace and manufacturing to entertainment and IT, with the great Southern California lifestyle on top.” – Calvin Hedman, President, Hedman Partners.

2I am interested in following up from SELECT USA Summit and am working with a client on establishing operations in California – can you provide information for me on existing programs at the state and local level?
California is the envy of the entire USA as we compete globally ranking as the #6 economy in the world. Many address California as the place where the global economy starts due to the position we hold as the leader in FDI. Beyond the state programs each local jurisdiction has equity partners that look to collaborate and assist investment to their areas. Help us understand your project and we will search out the data for you. Analysts state the largest number of employees in California (well over 100,000) far exceed the numbers benefitting in any other US location. Every Fortune 100 company has a footprint in California.

3Availability of skilled labor, logistics, costs of labor and construction or occupancy are some of the top critical site selection factors for projects today. How does the TeamCalifornia statewide network help me get the real information on these and other critical factors affecting my recommendation?
TeamCalifornia represents every county, city and region in the State and brings particular expertise in location advisory strategies. We are aware of the growth sectors in the state and their particular desires and motivations. California’s diverse regions support different sectors. Regional incentives and resources in the cost of energy for example vary greatly. We offer the highest level of service to our members representing them and unbiased information and analytics to you. We are the innovation state – perhaps your project demands an innovative proposal to keep California on the short list – we can deliver that information.